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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Guide to a Man's Heart

Do you wanna impress a guy you like?

But don't know how....

Do you wanna make him go crazy for you?

But don't know how....

Don't worry...I will share with you want a man really needs...

A Sweet smile to make Dark day seem so bright

A simple touch that makes you feel so alive...

A warm and soft hug to make him feel loved....

If that fails...Don't despair...there is one last Secret Weapon....

Something that will melt the heart of every man.........




There is truth when people say the key to a man's heart is through his stomach......

You know why?

You make him so fat.....

That he will love no one but you!!

P/s : This also applies if you have a girlfriend.."a not so good looking girlfriend is a more loyal girlfriend"....Now I'm gonna stop my ridiculous comments as I can see angry ladies wanting to chop me into many tiny pieces...

It's Good humour everyone!!! lol...No hard Feelings!

Friday, April 25, 2008


When Politicians speak...I hear only Blah Blah Blah Blah and Blah Blah Blah Blah.....

Sorry for my lack of trust and enthusiasm for them.....

But recently two upcoming politicians are making waves in opposite camps...

Datuk Mukhriz from Umno...The son of Dr. Mahathir


Gobind Singh Deo from DAP...The son of Karpal Singh

The have been been defending their father's view with regard to the 1988 judicial crisis
(for those of you that have no idea what is it all about..i will skip the history lesson but try to read up....)

They have been arguing through the media but i think they need to realize that they have more in common than they think....


3. They live in a fantasy world where their dad are saints and capable of doing no wrong

2. If not for their dad they would be known as Mukhriz who? Gobind Who?

1. They have serious hair issues....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Value of Love

Love makes our heart beat faster..Love makes us feel more live..Love brings more happiness than you can ever imagine but what is the value of love??

5% of you out there have the perfect relationship....both parties love each other immensely and want to spend the rest of your life with each other


10% of out there have a balanced relationship where both parties have developed a high level of affection towards each other and both of you have found happiness and comfort with each other...


How about the rest of the 85%??? Is love something you crave for...Is it an unfulfilled fantasy..Is it satisfaction of your loneliness...Is it a method to satisfy your craving for the flesh.....The value of love is different to every individual....

THE VALUE OF LOVE IS DIFFERENT TO EVERY INDIVIDUAL...Every person views it differently...And as you move on with life you should be aware that your perception of love at most times will be radically different from the other party....No two people think the same...

This Post is dedicated to those people that sill believe that there is a possibility that you can still find real love between two people....

I have lost all faith in that but I want you guys too keep on fighting for it....

You know what is the value of love for you....

But always be aware and find out what is the value of love to the other party????
(Caution : Ignorance of this question will be fatal to your happiness!)

My Post on the olympic torch quoted on an international website

Look at paragraph 8 of the article....

How did it end up there? How??

Songs of Innocence and Experience describes the torch relay as an “Unmalaysian” affair since “Red Army” students have “conquered the streets” of Kuala Lumpur.

I can't complain about the international exposure but It alarms be as it can be really dangerous as you can be easily misquoted and your post can be misconstrued to your detriment...

Damn Freaky!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Olympic Torch Relay

The torch relay has turned out to be a very 'Unmalaysian' affair.....I joined the relay at Bukit Bintang and this was my observation

1) It was on time.... Thus everybody was late to the event and nobody turned out to support it...

It was a shock!!

Nah..I was just joking...It was very lively and there was a great show of support....

To my surprise It appeared that the 'Red Army has conquered Bukit Bintang'

Seriously everywhere you turned..there were Chinese Nationals...It was like you were in a 'China Bukit Bintang'

If it was Malaysia's turn....the road would have been like this...

Salute China and its citizens for its patriotism....

They repeated China 'Kah Yau' Beijing Can....
Then I started to get worried...Have we lost our Malaysian Identity...Have we been overwhelmed by the chinese....Then Relief after seeing these familiar sights.....Malaysia Boleh..

Couldn't they use a better looking truck to transport all those photographers..It is an International event with international reporters....

Sorry I didn't post any pictures of the Olympic flame because I was unable to capture a clear picture of the torch...It was really fun as it was very lively a mini 'Chinese' carnival.....and it was great to actually see the Olympic torch

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Falcon Gives Back!!

I feel in a very charitable mood recently after watching Idol gives back..

So i was thinking what can i do to help?

How can i contribute to society?

I have an idea......

And I think this is how I'm gonna leave my mark in society..leave a great legacy...

I have decided to appoint myself th guardin, saviour and protector of Miley Cyrus...

Those who have no idea who she the link

She is currently the hottest young star in the US with her own telivision show and just released her own album....And you won't believe it she is only 15...

You must wonder why am i volunteering for such a huge responsibilty...

Why am i so noble??

I fear that there is a growing trend of young talented celebrities going astray...

Indulging in unhealthy lifestyle and eventually getting arrested by the police...

Misha Barton from the OC

I want to declare I am willing to guide her trough this difficult years and end up a respected and admired celebrity

Note to myself : OMG I have gone totaly insane...How can i come with such ideas???

Moral of the Post : Don't study too hard..You will eventually end up

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Do you really want to have a girlfriend?

A lot of guys out there are single.....

A lot of gals out there are single also...

I have decided to help....I have decided to provided all lonely guys out there the key...

The Holy Grail.....of ending your single hood....

I have it...consider me your Malaysian 'Hitch' (so perasan!!)

You guys have waited long enough....

I present you......the key....


You guys must be thinking that i'm crazy!! What does Paula Abdul got to do with getting a girlfriend??

Let me Show you the secret...

Her mouth...She has the sweetest mouth in the world...

She can come up with the most unexpected ways to describe how great you are..How special you are..

Making you feel like a million dollars...

She can turn Shit...

Into honey....

Guys learn from her..she can always find something positive to compliment...

You may not be good looking or rich..But if you can be sweet enough...Treasure the gal of your dreams to the best of you ability......

You will go from.....




Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thank You!!

Im officialy no. 1 on innit!! highest nangs in 24 hours! Wow...i cant believe it.....

I just wanna say thanks guys..I never thought amateur bloggers would obtain such support....

For those that nanged my post...hugs and kissess...

For those that danged it....a great deal of spanking is awaiting you guys!

lol...Don't worry i'm just joking..Sorry for not delivering an interesting post!!

For everyone out there that took the time to read that post..I have to admit..A lot!!(take it as motivation to deliver a great post!!)..Thanks guys...

To nuffnang...Thanks for innit because it has brought us exposure we could never dream possible...

But i have to say..being no.1 does bring a lot of hits!! a lot....



P/s Whilst its a happy day..Im sitting here hot and uncomfortable because I can' shower...Why?


but I feel better after looking at this picture...

Guan Eng you are the champion!! lol...and i like you man breast! lol...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Why is kenny sia so popular?

As we all now all famous bloggers are female...

I need not to explain why...

But why is this guy? The one they call kenny sia the most famous? numero uno...

Is it because of his good looks?

Is it because he is man we all should look up for exemplary manners?

Is it because of his ability to detect every obscence item around him?

Why? To be honest I have no idea....

For me....

Nobody makes my day brighter than him...

Nobody makes me laugh more than him...

During my dark days nobody brings that smile back but him...

Nobody makes a better ass of himself for our pleasure...

Thanks kenny!!! check him out at

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mat selamat..Where are you??

Singapore has been abuzz with the Mat selamat (click if you have no idea who is mat selamat) fiasco...I believe Singapore needs our help..seriously..they need our expertise...It time for us to send our experts...I believe its time to send some reinforcements to help...

We just cheat the Singaporeans by telling them that he is our most gifted and talented politician to lead the operation..Nobody can screw things up better...sorry i mean make the operation a success

Samy can't live without kavyeas......

They are brothers at heart....

And finally the key to capturing him....our most talented..our most gifted.....our jewel...

He will show them moves they never dreamed possible....


Friday, April 11, 2008

It's time to give back

We are blessed.....We live a great life..It may not be perfect..They are moments you wish you were someone else or somewhere else but it must not be forgotten that we have good lives..

This realization hit me hard during idol gives back...American Idol is the biggest show in USA in terms of popularity and ratings..which means $$$$....But Idol has included a special fundraising programme to raise money for numerous charities around the world...

The moments when they showed the suffering of kids in Africa brought me to face a hidden part of the world..That is the suffering of others..They are so many people that face misfortune not because of their own deeds but because of fate/destiny being born in a situation where they are plagued by poverty and being born with AIDS

I know nobody likes to read a boring story...a story of suffering..but it does not mean it has to be this...

Now back to the serious stuff...

Last year they collected around 700 million..

This year there was a story of a lady that lot 3 children due to AIDS and now fighting hard to help others from AIDS.....I really wanted to cry...

Four children taking care of themselves because their mum died of AIDS..

The point I want is raise is don't take life for granted...

Remember if you are in a lucky position please try to help...

If you have been gifted in life remember to be grateful....

I believe we have been luck for a reason...If not to help others to at least be grateful....

But seriously try to help..Especially if you have extra money donate lah...don't tell me you get gonna take that money to the grave...Start from home

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Women Holding Hands

Seems like a simple topic....holding hands seem common..but what happens when two people of the same sex hold hands...

Assumption 1
They are very close

Assumption 2
Someone has serious attachment issues

Assumption 3
They are gay

Now end of analytical analysis and intellectual discussion and ke poh chi time....

First its not any of my business..but I damn gatal to know...Why do gals have to hold each other hands..Why lah??

I can understand if gals feel scared..or they just feel comfortable holding hands..but in some occasion it's just way too close..Holding hands everywhere you go is something to be questioned..Holding hands so tight and not being lesbians has left me wondering why..Are women hands nicer to hold? are men's hand so uncomfortable that the moment you get hold of a women's hand you don't want to let it go??

I wonder..I wonder....

This post has been inspired by Chua Tze Ping..Thx Bro...

P.S he is gonna kill me but i should mention that he is single and drives a BMW 3 series....