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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm On Holiday!!!!

After 10 months of's finally time to go on holiday.................




This holiday is gonna be "explosive" why?

I cant Speak the Language....

I don't understand the Language....

I look "Different"


The best Part...We have not planned anything...nothing!!

Even though we bought the tickets 10 months ago....but we decided to plan out the trip at the airport...LOL......

So It's gonna be a Spur of the moment kind of thing.....

I'm Gonna be there for a week.........So whats gonna happen???

I honestly have no idea....

So wait for my updates.....

Take Care guys...See you all next week!!!!


Sam said...

hey take care man...i will wait for ur updates... Enjoy urself and have fun!

Nice to know how u look like...(through ur blog post)

Simon Seow said...

Just say tiu nia ma. They'll understand.

Anonymous said...

that's so nice! but u deserve it!

irresistible said...

happy holiday !! Poor me.. exam next week.. sigh...

shon chong said...

waa great! holiday trip to where.. waiting for you post !! ha

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Anonymous said...

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