By now the whole country has heard the news that the concert is cancelled...
Its a sad day for this country....

Once I heard the news..........

I can take the corruption,abuse of power and discrimination practised by the Government.....
But FUCK it...What the hell does Avril Lavigne got to do with disrupting the national spirit during Merdeka......
What stupid excuse is that....Fucking ridiculous....

We are free people...we have rights and freedom...Nothing in the Federal Constitution states a concert during Merdeka season is a tantamount to disgracing the nation's integrity....
Nothing in the Federal Constitution states that a concert by a POP IDOL is bad influence to the society....
He thinks Avril Lavigne spreading a "Negative and Oh so Evil Punk culture" ...Bloody Hell... How idiotic can you be...
When People say Malaysia is a Third World Country....Not developed..Rampant with Poverty...They get angry..Call ourselves a "Developing Nation"..... MY FOOT!!!

Are they trying to deny us the right to think and evaluate ourselves what is good and what is bad?? Do they really think people like us that have to fight so hard to live a good life overcome so much of discrimination and double standard have time to get spoiled by the "PUNK" Culture...
What kind of thinking do they want us to possess??

I am not going to be one sided and pretend that the company that organized he concert were not at fault also..They should have applied the licence in advance before promoting the concert in such a big scale.... They should have seek the views of the relevant authorities when they first obtain rights to organize the concert.....I admit they made a mistake....But why punish us??
Did they think what kind of perception we are giving to the world??

As it is all the famous stars are organizing their concerts in Singapore and skipping Malaysia.....For once a big name Star is having a concert in this country when the Star are still famous.....When the Star are still at their Peak..... now who is going to risk performing here???
People throughout the world will be thinking that we are a country full of farmers and peasant that are still living in the time of the dinosaurs

I think its time we all have to stand up and fight for our rights...

I love my country....I was one of those that were cheering throughout chong wei's journey in Beijing with the hope we can find finally get a gold medal that would serve as a some symbol of unity or pride...
Something to show that i'm Proud to be a Malaysian and then they make this kind of announcement.....

Leaders must realize this is a multi racial country with a diverse population who are well educate and possess an open mind....We can think, judge and evaluate ourselves...
They must remember Malaysia is no longer a One Party System country...If they want to send us back to 1957 we will send them out forever...
And Finally my honest opinion on this issue....

If I get caught under the ISA because of this then I'm a proud Malaysian because living in fear is not worth living!!!

P/s I want to Thank Mike of for giving me tickets to the Levi's 501 unbuttoned launch party this saturday in RUUMS KL...If anyone is going do leave me a message (Sorry can take you guys because I won only one ticket)....Thank You MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!