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Monday, March 31, 2008


I am not a Creative Person...I have always hated Arts..My worse paper in school was Arts or more commonly known as 'Pendidikan Seni....Hated It..The only reason I looked forward to Form 4 was never having to take Arts as a subject again..

Today I realized that I may have a talent in Art
(wow..what a statement...Coming from a person who always got 40-50 in Pendidikan Seni)

Drum roll.................................

I looked at this......

I had an idea!!!!!

My victim...

My Genius and Super Creative Idea.....

The Conclusion

Not bad rite...Or am i being too 'perasan'....maybe....

The story behind my Creative Genius (Yup...Super Perasan)..hehe..I was suppose to send J.CO Donuts to Penang using the box through Pos Laju....But It didn't happen... I wonder am I going crazy? maybe....hehe...

My words of Wisdom...You can have fun using the most unexpected methods....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why Asian women go for white guys?

I have noticed...

I have observed.....

I have been amazed.......

I have been left stunned...

Why do Asian women fall so easily for White Guys?

Why do they just go "GAGA" when they see white guys?

The recent addition to the list?....

Hmmm...I have seen so many times on numerous occasion white guys easily picking up "nice" Asian gals..... I just wonder they they fall so easily? Why the moment a white guy approaches an Asian gal...She gives in so easily...Why?

People say size does matter....hmmm.....

Maybe is our nature as be attracted to something unique or a monkey to a.......

Maybe its our sense of curiosity to try something new...

Whatever the reason....Enjoy it....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


It's Exam season again..The time I fear and hate the most...Life which is meant to be enjoyed is now turned to a dark and boring existence where days are spent looking at books and thoughts filled with the fear of failing and the most frequent thought


And the answer.....the mind goes blank....

and then I ask


And my mind Goes Blank Again....

these are thoughts which I have no answer but I have no choice but to get through it...

These are the confession of a student whose happiness has been sucked all out of him...

These are his confessions.......................

Hehe...Over Dramatic...But this is the final exams...Passing this means I have to never ever ever have to study that should serve as enough motivation for me to focus and be serious...

For one last time.....One Last Exam

So now after motivating myself.....where are my thoughts...

Dawn Yang..Dawn Yang..Man she's Hot..Man She's Beautiful...


Wei...What happen to learning to Focus and being Serious...

Oh..back to my books..Have fun guys for me..enjoy every moment for me..I'm Going back to my thoughts... :)

Monday, March 24, 2008


The recent General Election has produce a lot of surprises and now the interference of the Royals in the administration of their respective states. Over the years the Sultans have played a very minor role in the administration of the state merely the role of a figurehead but these General Election has given them a chance to show that the Sultans are still a force that need to be respected. The best example is in Perlis and currently in Terrenganu.

The reason i use the term Royals and not Sultans as the Royal Family has influenced significantly in the Decision of the Sultans.

The Question I would like to ask is whether the royals are still relevant to our Daily life's? Is it fair that they inherit such authority and wealth by the mere fact that they were born to the correct parents? Are we still living in a society that is so feudal where birth right is all Mighty? What about the rest of the Hardworking Citizens who contribute to their luxurious life by our Taxes? Is it Fair? I don't think so when our taxes are Paying for their easy and enjoyable life?

The 2008 election has shown that We Malaysians are tired of being played by those with power and 'Connections'...We want a fair society where benefits are for those that earned their success not given to them with a silver spoon. The idea that the Royal Family is looked to as the saviour and ant Protector of the Malay Race is utter rubbish..What have they done for the Malays? Are they fighting for their rights? No....And why are they better than the rest of us? Is any Common Malay better than them? I believe so....

I Respect the Royals as an institution that has been long respected and Acts as a safeguard to the Constitution but they have their limitation..I acknowledge the Royals have been helpful during times of crisis and provided good example to the people by donating money for example the Royals of Perak and Pahang. However I believe the Royals are suppose to be silent observers and only should interfere when they is a gross breach of the constitution or the rights of the people is violated...The Blatant act of Defiance by the Terengganu Advisory Council is a humiliation to our constitution and to us as a nation..The Royals should learn to act according to their role in the Constitution and Respect the Choice of the Public. The Royals must not Violate the very foundation of our country which is the Constitution! They must remember that this is not the 17th Century...I believe the Outcome of this crisis will be significant and long felt by all.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Politics in the Air

After the recent General election...Malaysia has changed...It has changed with regard to All Malaysians becoming more conscious of their political surrounding..Gone are the days when most Malaysians Didn't care about politics...The 'BN will surely win' attitude is a thing of the past...Malaysians have been actively discussing the politcal Drama of both the Government and also the Opposition..It strikes me the most where the younger generation has also joined by giving opinion and sharing their thoughts on the poltical situation..

Malaysia is changed..It is a sign that we have developed further and taking control of our own destiny..We are not closing an eye and relying on the 'Let it Be' attitude..We have become more vocal and conscious of our rights but where will this lead us? A more fair democracy or another Mei 13..on the night of the election i feared the worst but Now I'm confident that we have grown as a nation and Our Ultimate Priority is a better life...A happier Life..A more Fair and Prosperous Life...

Now a brief look at the political atmosphere...Terengganu is a big slap for Barisan where they have gained the trust of the people when the people of Kelantan were loud and vocal in asking Barisan to 'FUCK OFF'....but are unable to elect a Menteri Besar...I believe that Idris Jusof (hope I got his name Right) is a hero for Providing Barisan with a convincing Victory when so many others have failed..Perlis has made Barisan and UMNO in particular a laughing stock when The opposition in Perak managed to reach a compromise...The oppositon has shown that their focus and priority is still being in the Spirit of a strong and unified opposition while the Power of Position still corrupts the leadership of UMNO...Selangor has seen a new Superstar with Tan Sri Khalid playing a One Man show in running Selangor...But as I remenber All three opposition parties are vital for the oppostion in ruling Selangor especially DAP..If he refuses to Elect a DAP reperesentative as the Deputy Chief Minister then It is a big slap to the DAP and to those that supported them in Selangor..

My Hope and Wish is the Day When Race Is NO Longer A Factor In Politics...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


First..So sorry for the long absence..I was on holiday...

Second..The Nuffnang Party was fantastic....I have to mention Dawn Yang is super Beautiful....That may seem an understatement..God Damn Gorgeous..Seeeeeeeeriously!!

Third..The recent General Election has been..I am lost for words...I think the best word would be 'Unexpected'...So now the aftermath....First some soul searching must be done...My focus will be on UMNO...

The recent loss was attributed by many factors but the common thread I have to say is UMNO...UMNO has been the Champion of our nation's Independence but they have forgotten that their strength in the context of Malaysia as a nation is founded on the trust given by all Malaysians off all races through Barisan Nasional...Over the years Umno has become too corrupted with the power and money from running the Government..

Malaysia as we all know but not mentioned is a country where power and wealth comes from 'connections'...The better your contacts the further you move..This is where UMNO plays a very important role..With the power given by us they have monopolized all opportunities for themselves...The Anger of the Chinese Community was not directed at MCA/GERAKAN but UMNO...The Anger of the Indian Community was Directed (Well It is a well known fact...MIC and Datuk Seri Samy) but at UMNO also...It was them who were responsible for the Temple's being demolished...They have gotten too powerful and making way too many ridiculous comments..They have monopolized all government contracts...The Malays not privy to the contracts have deserted UMNO....

UMNO is a Giant down to its knees and if things don't change....which I doubt there will be any change...The Giant will lose its head after the next General Election..The whole philosophy of "Tanpa UMNO Melayu tak Maju" is for the History Books..UMNO is the root of the Evil and If PKR is able to keep PAS and DAP on the same table and adamant on abolishing the NEP then UMNO will be a distant memory..

Monday, March 3, 2008

Learning How to say Goodbye!!

In life..We Grow up..When you grow up...things always constantly change...A wise person told me that 'the only constant thing in life is change'..Only change is constant..It makes sense right?

Confession: I thought he was a dumb ass when he told me that!!
Now i regret!

Saying Goodbye is the hardest thing to say in the world..Why? Its always hard to let go..It's hard to accept change..Why should things change..Why??? I have no idea..What we can do is either swim with the change or drown in it...

People come and go...Sometimes we just have to say goodbye..Why? we move to different places..we move to a different stage in life..and my focus for the day when the person becomes a liability to you..Liability in what extent? They bring you hardship..they bring you pain..Or they prevent you from advancing in life..

Or when you bring them more pain and suffering then happiness...

So If we are faced with such a situation..It's better so say goodbye..It's better to leave and move on with life..But i have to emphasize that by saying goodbye..It does not mean goodbye forever unless this happens when you are more than 50 years old..hehe....Goodbye may seem permanent at that moment but one day in the might be different and then the goodbye shall be exchanged with Hello and you might have a fresh start..

When things get to complicated, suffocating and painful..Take a step back..clear your mind and if you need to do it..say goodbye..There is no need to prolong the pain...There is no need to put yourself and the other party in a a negative environment..Life is very beautiful if you open your eyes..

Goodbye is never permanent but necessary for the moment..You never know how life is going to be in the future..How change might prove beneficial to you..learning how to step back and saying Goodbye is a very sad part of life but sometimes it is just necessary!

PS: I got the invitation for the Nuffnang Pajama Party..But what am i Gonna wear? For those that are going..Can you guys share with me whether you guys are gonna comply with the Dress Code???